The present Directory of Bibliographies is an alphabetical arrangement of research works prepared in Sanskrit in Indian Universities. Bibliography is a detailed statement of the works consulted by a scholar in preparing document on a given topic. It forms the key for opening the treasure of Research and enter into the field. It provides up-to-date information available about a particular field of learning. Arranged in an alphabetical order, it throws light to a wide range of topics already undertaken by different scholars. Once the source is given, being the basic infrastructure for any type of research, one gets firsthand information on various methods applied, topics discussed and so on. As a result it helps the scholar to know his or her present position and guides him or her as to how to go about it.

        The present work is mainly compiled to fulfill that purpose. In the first case it helps scholars to avoid repetitions of any work, so that one can avoid last minute disappointment. It is this Bibliography that helps us to reach the desired goal. So much so the name of the Universities and the fields worked in those Universities will also show the way to the talented scholars to choose their area and the place.

        In spite of the lull that has occurred during the last two hundred years, on account of the advent of English language and the globalization of Indian life, the respect and the keenness for the study of Sanskrit at a higher level has not dwindled. The present Project, which documents more than seven thousand doctoral dissertations in Sanskrit and Sanskrit related subjects, prepared in about 120 Universities and Oriental Research Institutions, would bear evidence to this fact.